AMSA SMS Workshop
All commercial operators in the North east are invited to the AMSA Safety Management System (SMS) Workshop commencing at 10:00 am on the 5th of November.
Please find attached a flyer for the upcoming Safety Management System workshops in Tasmania.
I encourage you to come along to learn about your SMS obligations and how to improve the safety of your operation.
To date, AMSA has taken a more educative approach to safety management system (SMS) compliance but is now issuing deficiencies and compliance notices where operators do not have an SMS, or their SMS does not meet AMSA’s requirements.
Common issues that our Marine Inspectors come across include:
· lack of, or poor risk assessments,
· operators not following their SMS,
· lack of evidence of crew training and induction,
· lack of regular SMS review,
· and even a lack of SMS altogether (you can expect a Prohibition Notice if this is found for your operation)
These workshops will cover the benefits of having a successful SMS for your operation, how you can improve your SMS, as well as what AMSA looks for when checking your SMS. Whilst the workshops focus more on Class 3 operators, all operators and crew are welcome. If you have someone such as a partner or friend who helps you with your SMS please encourage them to attend also.
Go to to register your interest to attend a workshop or ring AMSA Connect 1800 627 484.