St Helens Marine Rescue Up and Running
St Helens Marine Rescue is pleased to announce the service is up and running, at long last, now we have gained full certification. This required passing the very stringent standards for commercial vessels. Our certificate of Survey arrived on the 10th of February.
We are the first VMR in Tasmania to do so.

The new vessel (pictured), “Georges Bay”, is performing impeccably. Again our organisation passes on its heartfelt appreciation to the Community for the wonderful support and encouragement. Georges Bay is a community vessel made possible through the many generous donations and contributions.
Thus far we have responded to numerous calls for assistance for escorts to cross the St Helens Bar and Pelican Point, which remains a challenge particularly at low tides. By and large the vessels seeking assistance come from interstate. Crews have expressed their gratitude for the service, whilst staying they are overwhelmed by the beauty and ambience of our community. They see our glorious location as a welcomed break from the isolation and distances of the sea as they travel largely between Eden to Hobart.
Recently we have seen an increase in membership. We welcome them and anyone who has an interest in maritime activities. We offer a suite of training to suit new members in First Aid, Radio Licencing, Vessel Crewing, ESS (Elements of Shipboard Safety) and Coxswain Certification.
One essential service we are proud of is to provide radio coverage for the St Helens Game Fishing Club. With this we maintain radio contact with all entrants throughout the days of the competition. Hourly schedules call up all vessels to ascertain their location this ensures their safety whilst at sea.
Contact us on 6376 2443 OR 0408 817 359 OR email at: OR drop in at the base on the Esplanade.
John Sullivan (Secretary)