Early Morning Start for St Helens Marine Rescue to the Rescue
Today, St Helens Marine Rescue was called to respond to an injured crewman aboard the Fremantle yacht Jaffa, a Melbourne to Hobart competitor. Jaffa was on its return voyage to Melbourne. We commenced at 0600 hours, rendezvousing with Jaffa at 0640 off St Helens Point. In search of calmer waters we guided Jaffa back to Burns Bay. The graphic below highlights the AIS track taken from Marine Traffic.com. Once we returned to the Bay the injured crewman was successfully transferred to our SAR Vessel “Georges Bay”. We then proceeded to the boat ramp and jetty where the St Helens Volunteer Ambulance was standing by to transport the patient to the St Helens Hospital. A very successful outcome from very a accomplished Marine Rescue Crew. We extend our appreciation to Tas Maritime Radio, they provided radio support throughout.

Jaffa being escorted from below St Helens Point in a confused swell. We had to seek calmer waters to transfer the injured crewman. Fortunately Burns Bay offered calm waters from the SE swell.

Jaffa under sail.